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Circulation Policy

Library Card Policies

To obtain a library card, new patrons must show proof of residency. A driver's license will be accepted. If the correct address is not on the driver's license, the patron must show another form of identification with the correct address (i.e. piece of mail, lease agreement)

If a patron is under 18 years of age, a parent or legal guardian must sign the application and show proper identification.

Patrons must show their library card to check out any materials and use the Internet. Patrons are responsible for any materials checked out on their cards. Materials checked out on a lost or stolen card are the responsibility of the card holder until the library is notified and date of loss is recorded.

If a card is not reported lost or stolen, the library assumes that permission has been granted to use the card if presented to the staff for circulation purposes (no computer use) by someone other than the card holder.

Replacement fees for lost library cards will be $2.00.

Item Circulation Policy

Books and magazines are checked out for three weeks.

Videos and DVDs are checked out for four days and are limited to four per patron.

Books on the Bestseller list circulate for seven days.

New patrons are limited to two items on their first visit to the library.

There is a limit of two items per person or family on books of the same subject matter at the discretion of the staff.

Audios are checked out for three weeks with a limit of four per patron.

Patrons are limited to checking out a total of twenty items at one time.

Patrons must be 18 to check out audio books, VHS tapes or DVDs.

Renewal Policy

Books and magazines may be renewed in person or by phone. Books on the Bestseller List or on reserve for another patron may not be renewed. Audios and videos or DVDs must be brought into the library to be renewed. Items may only be renewed four times.


Items may be reserved by phone or in person. There is no limit on reserve requests.

Books will be held for three days after a patron has been contacted. After three days, the book will be given to the next patron on the list or placed back on the shelf.

Lost and Damaged Items

Patrons must pay the replacement cost for lost items or for items that are damaged beyond repair.

Loss of Library Privileges and Computer Use

Library patrons may still enjoy full library privileges and computer access as long as their fine does not exceed $5.00. Fines must be paid below $5.00 before patrons are allowed to check out items or use the computers.

The library director will make every reasonable effort to work with patrons in arrears to restore a good library account. He/She may use his/her discretion to extend limited borrowing abilities based on the continual payment on the patron's account.

Policy updated 10/21/08. Reviewed March 2013. Revised July 2014.

Collection Management

The GCPL Board of Trustees, working with the staff of the library, affirms the following objectives:

  1. To serve all people
  2. To provide a variety of materials to meet the needs of our customers
  3. To support intellectual freedom
  4. To provide qualified staff to give guidance in the use of materials

The library adheres to the principles of the Library Bill of Rights, the Freedom to View, and the Freedom to Read statements that have been adopted by the American Library Association (Please see attachments).

The Library Board approves the Collection Development Policy for the library. The responsibility of administering the policy rests with the director. The director welcomes purchase suggestions from patrons or members of the library staff. Surveys will be done occasionally to ascertain whether the customer's needs are being are being met.

In general, collection priority is given to –

  • Currency. Collection emphasis is on up-to-date information. Older materials that remain accurate will be retained and replaced according to patron demand.
  • General Treatments over those that are specialized, scholarly, or primarily for professional use.
  • Breadth over depth. In general, the library will purchase single copies of a wide range of titles that meet the needs of the independent learner over textbooks that meet curriculum requirements of the formal student.
  • Materials written in the English language.
  • Unabridged editions over abridgements. Abridgements will be considered only if they retain the flavor and quality of the original.

Selection tools include, but are not limited to –

  • Reviews in professional library journals or periodicals which specialize in a particular subject;
  • Individual subject expertise of staff or community members;
  • Suggestions from GCPL patrons;
  • Coverage in local bookstores and newspapers;
  • Publishing catalogs;
  • Standard bibliographies.

Materials are selected with the following criteria –

  • Vitality and originality of thought;
  • Contemporary utility;
  • Permanent significance;
  • Artistic excellence;
  • Accessibility through independent indices;
  • Suitability of physical form to library use;
  • Reputation of author;
  • Technical quality;
  • Quality of indexing;
  • Relative importance compared to other materials on subject;
  • Appropriateness to interests and skills of intended audience;
  • Comprehensiveness.

The director further considers a title in terms of its relevance to GCPL collections priorities, level of community interest, ability to provide diversity or balance to the collection, availability through interlibrary loan, collection priorities of other libraries in the service area, and funding and facility restraints.

Audio books are purchased in CD format. Titles will be purchased in anticipated popularity. All titles cannot be purchased in both formats. The purchase will be at the Director's discretion. However, the library will gladly accept recommendations for purchase.

Duplicate copies will only be obtained because of heavy use and demand.

The library maintains a fiction collection covering as many genres as possible to support the wide range of interests of our patrons. Literature recommendations from teachers will be taken into consideration. When the library buys a book that becomes part of a serial, following books will be added if there is patron interest.

The library maintains a special section of books, microfilm, and family files for customers wishing to pursue family histories. The library may add books as they become available to aid in local researching. The library may also add certain popular works to the section that deal with genealogical research or Kentucky history. However, due to the cost and rarity of some of these materials, they are not circulated.

The library acquires materials of both permanent and current interest in all subjects. Each item is evaluated in its entirety and not on the basis of a particular section. The library does not collect highly specialized materials, i.e., textbooks or rare books.

The library generally does not purchase out of print materials due to cost restraints and limited availability.

When a title is available in both hardback (cloth edition) and paperback, the hardback format is generally preferred because of its more durable physical quality. Titles available only in paperbacks may be purchased for the collection. Some adult and children's paperback series will be ordered via standing order.

The library receives current issues of a wide range of periodicals of a more general and popular nature.

Reference materials are those designed to provide quick, concise, and current information. Since they are typically used daily by the public and library staff, they are designated for use in the library and do not circulate.

Duplicate copies of reference materials may be purchased for the circulating collection if the price is not prohibitive. Certain materials may also be pulled temporarily from circulation to allow maximum use during high demand.

Replacement copies will only be purchased when there is heavy demand for the item.

Memorial or honor gifts will be accepted. The director will select materials needed for the collection. The library reserves the right to withdraw gifts from the collection on the same basis as purchased materials. The library will make every effort to replace memorial books with the same or a similar item if damaged or outdated, if it does not cause undue financial difficulty for the library.

Material withdrawal is an important aspect of collection development. When library materials lose their value for which they are originally selected, that should be withdrawn. The purpose of a withdrawal policy is to ensure that the collection remains vital and useful by:

  1. Discarding and/or replacing items in poor physical condition;
  2. Eliminating items with obsolete, misleading, or superseded condition information;
  3. Reducing the number of copies of titles whose relevance to the community has lessened.

The library staff will evaluate items on a regular basis. Other factors that will determine the need for an item to be replaced or discarded include, but are not limited to:

  1. Date of publication;
  2. Last date of circulation;
  3. Average number of circulations per year.

Revised March 2013, July 2014.

Reconsideration of Library Material

The library is a unique institution charged with being an unbiased repository of recorded expression. While the board has delegated the responsibility for selection and evaluation of library materials to the director and such staff as he/she may designate, they have the legal responsibility for the collection and its protection under the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights of the United States Constitution. Patrons with complaints about materials should initiate following procedures:

  1. Complete a Reconsideration of Library Materials form (attached).
  2. The completed form will be reviewed by the director and appropriate background material gathered.
  3. The director will bring the matter to the attention of board, along with her/his recommendation.
  4. The board will review the matter and vote with as little delay as possible.
  5. The board will issue a formal response to the complainant at a regularly scheduled meeting.

Reviewed March 2013.

Interlibrary Loan Cooperation

An interlibrary loan is a transaction in which a library borrows for its user's material from another library. The purpose of the interlibrary loan service is to increase access to information by making materials in other libraries available to our patrons. Patrons of GCPL may request interlibrary loan service. New cardholders must have checked out a minimum of two items and returned them with no restrictions on their account to request an interlibrary loan. Material must be returned on time as not to jeopardize GCPL interlibrary loan privileges with the lending library.

When an ILL item is received by the library, the patron who requested the material will be notified by telephone and the item will be held for pick-up at the circulation desk. Limitations placed on the use of borrowed material by the lending library will be honored. Length of loan is determined by the lending library. Renewals must be requested at least 5 days before the due date. The library affirms that ILL is adjunct to, not a substitute for, the library's collection. In meeting patron needs, the library will exhaust local resources first, before requesting items on ILL. Items in frequent or recurring demand will be considered for purchase. The library will not seek loan of materials that have been published within the last 12 months. Although we can request such materials, libraries are often unwilling to lend them. However, copies of specific pages can sometimes be obtained.

A patron may submit a request at the circulation desk or over the phone. Forms are available for placing a request. Five active requests per patron are allowed. Service will be provided as quickly as possible. Turnaround time varies upon the lending library and the materials requested and courier limitations.

The library will not charge patrons a fee for borrowing via ILL. The library will be responsible for materials borrowed in behalf of its patrons, from the time the materials arrive at the Garrard County Public library until it is returned via the courier service. The library agrees to pay for overdue charges, damage, or loss of materials borrowed on Ill. The library will endeavor to collect any charges of overdue materials, loss or damage from the patron who received the materials.

Gifts and Appraisals

Gifts such as art objects, portraits, antiques, or other permanent displays will be evaluated as to their appropriateness for the library. Those gifts that do not aid in furthering the mission of the library will be sold and funds used to purchase equipment, materials, or to support library activities. It must be understood that gifts of materials are accepted with the understanding they will not necessarily be added to the library's collection. The material will be judged by the same standards of selection as those applied to the purchase of new materials. If the materials are not suitable, they will be sold or discarded. This policy will be explained to anyone wishing to make a donation before the materials are accepted. The donor will sign a form acknowledge this agreement (see attachments). This form will serve as a statement for tax purposes. The library does not withdraw gifts from the collection on the same basis as purchased materials.

Gifts of cash will be accepted as long as they are freely given to the library without limiting considerations. While it is acceptable to designate that monetary gifts be spent for specific needs (such as children's books, genealogy sources, etc.) , it is impractical for the library to accept gifts that will create additional expenses (such as providing an opposite point of view to maintain a balanced collection, increasing liability insurance to cover situations created by the gift, etc.). Acknowledgements of memorial donations will be sent to the family of the deceased and to the donor. A list of memorial donations will be kept in on file in the library.

The library reserves the right to refuse to accept any type of donation. It must be understood that once an item has been donated to the library, it is then the property of the library, and cannot be returned to the original owner. Since the library is actively used and sustains losses through theft, mutilation and wear, no guarantee can be made that any gift will be a permanent part of the collection.

Reviewed March 2013, August 2014.

Donation Receipt

Donations of library materials have been, and continue to be, important in developing the library's collection. The library welcomes donations of library materials or money to enhance its collection. Gift materials are accepted with the understanding that upon receipt of the materials, the library assumes ownership and thus reserves the right to determine the retention, location, processing, and other considerations relating to the materials' use or disposition. It must be understood that once an item has been donated to the library, it is then the property of the library, and cannot be returned to the original owner. Those not added to the collection are sold at the library's book sale or are discarded.

Donation Receipt Form

Reviewed March 2013, August 2014.

Meeting Room

The use of the meeting space is provided free of charge to individuals and groups for civic, educational, and philanthropic purposes. Meeting rooms are available to any group regardless of its beliefs or affiliations. Attendance at meetings may not be restricted based on age, race, sex, religion, national origin, disability, or any other legally protected status. Approval to use meeting room space does not constitute an endorsement by the Library Board of the group's or individual's policies or beliefs. All meeting room reservations are made at the discretion of the Library Director.

Guidelines for Public Use:

  • All meetings shall be open to the public.
  • Meeting rooms are available during posted library hours. Groups that remain in the meeting room after hours are responsible for making sure that the door is locked securely behind them when they vacate the room.
  • The following uses of library meeting rooms are not permitted:
    • The sale or promotion of products or services. Businesses requesting use of meeting rooms for training or managerial purposes will be given individual consideration.
    • Groups charging admission or soliciting donations. Non-profit organizations or educational institutes offering classes or seminars may be permitted to charge a fee with prior approval.
    • Social functions or recitals unless sponsored by the library.
    • Activities likely to disrupt regular library operations.
    • The promotion of illegal activities. Meetings and individuals must conform to local laws or ordinances.
  • Application must be made at least twenty four hours prior to the meeting but not more than three months in advance. Use of the meeting room by the library takes precedence over all outside requests.
  • The library reserves the right to cancel meetings for operational reasons or if an emergency exists. Groups must notify the library of a cancellation of a meeting at the earliest possible date, preferably at least 24 hours in advance.
  • The room will not be made available to any organizations for regularly scheduled meetings on a weekly, monthly, or other recurrent basis except at the discretion of the Library Director.
  • Individuals booking the meeting room must be at least 18 years of age.
  • Conduct disturbing regular library use or infringing on any library rules is not permitted. The individual who signs the meeting room request is responsible for the supervision of the group.
  • Abuse of meeting room or failure to adhere to library policies may result in loss of meeting room privileges.
  • Except as a designation of location, the name of the library may not be used in any publicity.
  • Any group is responsible for leaving the meeting room in the condition in which it was found. Clean-up is responsibility of user. If the room is left in an unsatisfactory condition, the group will receive a warning. If the room is used by the same group and again left in an unsatisfactory condition, a clean-up fee will be levied. After a third offense, the room will not be made available for the group's use.

Review or Appeal Process

Exceptions to this policy may be made at the discretion of the Library Director or his/her designee. Individuals or groups who are denied the use of a meeting room may appeal to the Director. Such appeal shall be filed in writing with Director within 10 days of rejection of the application.

*Adopted July 2012. Reviewed March 2013. Revised August 2014.

Download Application for Use of the Library Community Room


Libraries should make exhibit spaces available to the public they serve and should make such facilities available on an equitable basis, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of individuals or groups requesting their use. (Adopted January 23, 1980 by ALA Council)

The utilization of exhibit space by any group or individual shall not imply endorsement or approval by the library. As an educational cultural institution GCPL welcomes displays of handiwork, historical material, nature study, or any other material deemed of general interest. The Library Board reserves the right to reject any display or item, which in the judgment of the library administration is illegal or which may interfere with the normal operation of the library. The library assumes no responsibility for the preservation, protection, or possible damage or theft of any item displayed or exhibited. All items placed in the library are done so at the owner's risk.

Reviewed March 2013. Revised August 2014.


Copyright is a property right that gives the copyright owner of an original work a bundle of exclusive rights, which the right to authorize or prohibit reproduction, derivative works, and public performance or display of that work.

Under present law, copyright exists automatically from the moment a work is fixed in a tangible medium of expression. The work may be published or unpublished. It is not necessary that the copyright be registered with the Copyright Office. As of March 1, 1989, a notice of copyright on the work is optional and its absence does not necessarily mean that the work is in the public domain.

Some categories of publications are in public domain; that is, their use is not protected by copyright law:

  1. Publications dated 1922 or earlier.
  2. Works that do not include a copyright notice and were first published before January 1, 1978.
  3. Most United States government documents.

Once a work has acquired domain status it is no longer eligible for copyright protection. The Garrard County Public Library will enforce United States Copyright (Title 17, United States Code) and will place the following statement at all public use copiers and printers. The signs will be printed in at least 18-point font.

Notice Warning Concerning Copyright Restrictions

The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of uncopyrighted materials.

Under certain conditions specified in the law, libraries and other archives are authorized to furnish a photocopy or other reproduction. One of these specific conditions is that the photocopy or other reproduction is not to be "used for any purpose other than private study, scholarship, or research." If a user makes or later uses a photocopy or reproduction for purposes in excess of "fair use," that user may be liable for copyright infringement.

The person using this equipment is liable for any infringement.

This institution reserves the right to refuse to accept a copying order if, in its judgement, fulfillment of the order would involve violation of copyright law.

The rights of copyright apply to video recordings as well as to other works. It should be assumed that all video recordings are protected by copyright unless verified otherwise. Unless video recordings are sold or rented with public performance rights or are licensed for public performance, they should be considered for "home use only" and should be restricted to private showings in the home to a "circle of family and its social acquaintances".

The only exception is the "face-to-face teaching exemption." The video will be used in a classroom setting with the teacher in face-to-face instruction.

Reviewed March 2013, August 2014.

Code of Conduct

The Garrard County Public Library is dedicated to providing a comfortable and safe environment that is conducive to the use of library materials. In order to maintain this environment for all those who visit the library or work here, borrowers are expected to follow this code of conduct and to observe the rights of all in the library. Failure to cooperate with Library staff or engaging in any behavior that is inappropriate in a library setting interferes with the goals of the library. Those willing to modify inappropriate behavior are always welcome to stay. Thos unable to comply will be asked to leave.

  1. Any unlawful or potentially harmful behavior or any other behavior that interferes with the normal operation and use of the library is not permitted.
  2. Library materials must be checked out before leaving the library.
  3. Beverages in a container with a tight lid are allowed except at computer areas (fast food cups with loose lids are not acceptable). Eating and drinking are strictly prohibited except in authorized areas.
  4. Smoking or use of tobacco products, alcoholic beverages or illegal substances is prohibited in library buildings.
  5. Loud, disruptive, abusive or threatening language is prohibited.
  6. Cell phones should be silenced when entering the library and can be used in the foyers of the library. Cell phone use except in authorized areas is prohibited.
  7. Solicitation or distribution of non-library materials without prior authorization from Library administration is prohibited.
  8. Use of library computers that violates the library's Internet Use policy is prohibited.
  9. Appropriate apparel, including shirts and footware, must be worn in the library. A customer whose offensive bodily hygiene interferes with the ability of others to use the library facilities as intended may be asked to leave the building.
  10. Parents/guardians are responsible for the behavior and supervision of their children according to the Library's Child Safety Policy.
  11. Only assistive service animals are allowed in the building unless the director has given prior approval.
  12. Customers must leave the library property at closing time.
  13. Rearrangement of Library equipment or furniture is prohibited.

Persons who violate this code of conduct will be asked to leave the Library. The supervisor on duty is authorized to take appropriate action to anyone failing to comply with this policy and its regulations, including, but not limited to, ordering the customer to leave the building immediately and calling the police.

Child Safety Policy

The Garrard County Public Library is dedicated to providing a warm, welcome, exciting and safe environment for people of all ages. The library wants children to use its facilities and services. Children in the library should always be accompanied by a parent, guardian or assigned caregiver. The safety of children left alone in a library building is a serious concern of the library staff. The responsibility for the safety and behavior of a child in the library rests with the parent/caregiver and not with library personnel. Library staff members cannot be responsible for children who are unattended or demonstrating inappropriate behavior. The following guidelines will be followed concerning the care and behavior of young library users.

Children from Birth through 2nd grade must have a parent/caregiver in the immediate vicinity of the child. The assigned caregiver must be at least 14 years old and must carry emergency contact information. An exception would be for children attending library programs without a parent/caregiver in the room. However, the parent/caregiver must remain in the library building and immediately join the child at the end of the program. If a child in this age group is found unattended, library staff will locate the parent/caregiver in the library and inform him/her of the rules. If a child is found unattended a second time, the parent/caregiver may be asked to leave the library with the child.

Children in grades 3- 5 must have a parent/caregiver on the library premises at all times. Parents are still responsible for the actions of their children and children are expected to obey the library rules of behavior at all times.

Children in grades 6-12 are allowed to use the library unattended for any length of time as long as their conduct is acceptable in a library setting and general conduct rules are observed.

Children of any age who violate the library Rules of Behavior will be informed of the rules. The parent/caregiver will also be informed of the rules. If the inappropriate behavior continues, the child and parent/caregiver will be asked to leave the library.

The Library has established procedures for closing the Library. If it is apparent to a library staff member that a child under eleven (11) is unattended thirty (30) minutes prior to closing, the following will be observed:

  1. The child will be asked to call a parent/guardian or otherwise confirm that he or she has a ride or will be picked up no later than closing.
  2. If a child has been left unattended at the library at closing time, or during an emergency closing, every effort will be made to contact the parents or legal guardians.
  3. If none of the above arrives within fifteen (15) minutes after closing, the child will be treated as an abandoned child and the police in addition to the Cabinet for Health & Family Services (270-766-5099) will be contacted. Two staff members will stay with the unattended child/children until the police arrive. This is compensated time for the two staff members who remain with the child.
  4. Under no circumstances will library staff take a child out of the building and transport him or her to another location in their private vehicle.
  5. In any instance in which the police are called because a child has been left unattended, the staff members will reassure the child they are not being punished and that the police are there to help them.
  6. Staff members will leave a note on the Library door stating, "Unattended child is in the custody of the Lancaster police department, with the street address and phone number." Names will NOT be stated on the sign.

Revised December 21, 2010. Reviewed March 2013. Revised September 2014.

Adopted 12-21-2010. Reviewed March 2013. Revised September 2014.

Revised July 2024.

Computer & Internet Use Policy

The Internet as an information source enables GCPL staff and patrons to find a wide array of information from sources not available any other way. It allows access to ideas, information and commentary from around the globe. It is, however, an unregulated medium with a highly diverse user population. Internet access on Library computers is subject to content and malware filtering. Sites may be unblocked in the case of false-positives at the request of the patron. Sites may also be temporarily unblocked for patrons 18 years of age or older when necessary to enable access to bona fide research or other lawful purposes. Users shall not permit minors to view inappropriate matter, and shall not leave the terminal when such matter is displayed.

General Internet Rules:

  1. First time users are required to read/comply with the Computer and Internet Use Policy/Internet Use Agreement.
  2. In all library services, the patron agrees to the Library Rules and Regulations.
  3. One hour time limit per patron per day. An extension of thirty minutes may be granted at the discretion of the staff.
  4. The library does not have adequate staff for intensive computer training for walk-in computer use. A minimal level of competence is required for users.
  5. $.20 (twenty cents) per page charge for black and white printing.
  6. Sessions will end 10 minutes before the library closing times.
  7. Only two people may use a workstation at one time.
  8. Out of town visitors are allowed to use the Internet as a guest, but must sign in and will receive a copy of the Internet Use Agreement.

Children's Use of the Internet

  1. Patrons under the age of 18 must have a permission form signed by a parent/guardian. A PARENT OR GUARDIAN MUST BE PRESENT IN THE LIBRARY WHEN SIGNING PERMISSION FORM.
  2. Children 11 and under may not use the Internet unless supervised by a parent/guardian.
  3. The Library is unable to monitor internet usage of such minors on Library computers. Parents and guardians agree to assume the risk and provide guidance in and set standards for Internet use by such minors. Parents and guardians are responsible for:
    1. Preventing access to inappropriate material and material that may be harmful to minors. Internet filtering software is not completely effective in blocking access to inappropriate matter, there is still a risk that inappropriate or otherwise offensive matter may be accessed.
    2. Ensuring safety and security of minors when using e-mail, chat rooms, social media, and other electronic communication.
    3. Preventing unauthorized access, including hacking and other unlawful activities by minors
    4. Otherwise preventing disclosure of personal identification information of minors

Public Wireless Use

The Garrard County Public Library provides access to the Internet via a wireless network (Wi-Fi) for users with their own personal laptops and other mobile devices.

  1. Wi-Fi access provided by the Library is unsecured. Anti-virus, security, and privacy protection are the responsibility of the individual.
  2. Users are responsible for having the proper hardware, software and network settings on their wireless device to connect to the Library provided Wi-Fi. Library staff cannot provide technical assistance related to customers' wireless devices.
  3. Users must follow the same Internet rules as those using Library computers.
  4. Printing is not available via the Library's Wi-Fi service.
  5. The Library is not responsible for any theft, damage or misuse of users' laptops and other mobile devices while on Library property.
  6. Information downloaded from the Internet may contain a virus and users are cautioned to have virus-checking software on their computers. The Library is not responsible for damage to a user's storage media, or computer for any loss of data, damage, or liability that may occur from an individual's use of the Library's Internet and/or computer services.
  7. Activities which disrupt the Library or its network are prohibited and may result in the loss of access to some or all library services and/or legal action.
  8. The Library reserves the right to modify the Computer & Internet Use policy at any time.


  1. The Copyright Law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the reproduction, distribution, public performance, and public display of copyrighted material. Responsibility for possible copyright infringement lies solely with the user and the Library disclaims any responsibility or liability resulting therefrom.
  2. Displaying of sexually suggestive objects or pictures could be in violation of Federal and State obscenity laws.
  3. The user agrees to hold the Library harmless from any claims, losses, damages, obligations, or liabilities relating to the use of information obtained from the Library's electronic information system.

Adopted 12-21-2010. Revised October 2014.

Problem Patron Policies

In dealing with the public, it is not usual to encounter difficult customers. To the extent that these customers exhibit criminal activity, whether felony or misdemeanor, the library is responsible for taking appropriate action, such as call the police. It is the responsibility of the library to ensure a safe place for the use of its customers and work of its staff.

Staff is urged to recognize the difference between true problem customers and the merely pesky customer. A certain degree of acceptance must be given to those unpleasant customers who are not breaking the law by their behavior but are disagreeable in manner and/or actions. Staff is not expected to allow them to interrupt their work, but is expected to treat them fairly.


Abandonment of Minor: KRS 530.040 / A person is guilty of abandonment of a minor when, as a parent, guardian, or other person legally charged with the care or custody of a minor, he deserts the minor in any place under circumstances endangering his life or health and with intent to abandon him.

Assault: Intentional or by reckless conduct causes injury to another person.

Criminal Mischief: Intentionally damages the property of another.

Disorderly Conduct: KRS 525.060 / A person is guilty of disorderly conduct when in a public place and with intent to cause public inconvenience, annoyance, or alarm, or wantonly creating a risk thereof, he:

  1. Engages in fighting or in violent, tumultuous or threatening behavior, or
  2. Makes unreasonable noise, or
  3. Refuses to obey an official order to disperse issued to maintain public safety in dangerous proximity to a fire, hazard, or other emergency, or
  4. Creates a hazardous or physically offensive condition by any act that serves no legitimate purpose.

Harassment: KRS 525.070 / A person is guilty of harassment when with the intent to harass, annoy or alarm another person, he:

Strikes, shoves, kicks or otherwise subjects him to physical contact or attempts or threatens to do the same; or

In a pubpc place, makes an offensively coarse utterance, gesture or display, or addresses abusive language to any person present; or

Follows a person in or about a public place or places; or

Engages in a course of conduct or repeatedly commits acts which alarm or seriously annoy such other person and which serve no legitimate purpose.

Indecent Exposure: KRS 510.150 / A person is guilty of indecent exposure when s/he intentionally exposes genitals under circumstances in which the individual knows or should know the conduct is likely to cause affront or alarm.

Jostling: Places a hand in the proximity of a person's pocket or handbag.

Larceny: Wrongfully takes, obtains, or withholds the property of another.

Loitering: KRS 525.090 / A person is guilty of loitering when he:

  1. Loiters or remains in a public place for the purpose of gambling with cards, dice, or other gambling paraphernalia, except that the provisions of this section shall not apply if the person is participating in activity defined by KRS 528.010; or
  2. Loiters or remains in a public place for the purpose of unlawfully using a controlled substance.

Menacing: Intentionally places another in fear of imminent physical injury.

Public Intoxication: KRS 525.100 / A person is guilty of public intoxication when he appears in a public place manifestly under the influence of alcohol, or a controlled substance, or other intoxicating substance, not therapeutically administered, to the degree that he may endanger himself or other persons or property, or unreasonably annoy persons in his vicinity.

Public Lewdness: Intentionally exposes the private or intimate parts of the body in a lewd manner in a public place.

Trespass: Knowingly enters or remains unlawfully (see) in or upon premises.

Unlawfully Remains: A person who, regardless of his intent, enters or remains in or upon premises, which are at the time, open to the public does so with license and privilege UNLESS HE DEFIES A LAWFUL ORDER NOT TO ENTER OR REMAIN, PERSONALLY COMMUNICATED TO HIM BY THE OWNER ON SUCH PREMISES OR OTHER AUTHORIZED PERSON.

Revised 3/19/2012. Reviewed September 2014.

Weapons in the Library

In accordance with KRS 237.115, the Garrard County Public Library cannot prohibit adult users from carrying concealed or unconcealed deadly weapons onto the premises. However, the Garrard County Public Library does request that users not bring deadly weapons into the library unless doing so for professional purposes, such as the carrying of deadly weapons by law enforcement personnel.

Revised March 2013. Reviewed September 2014

Theft Policy

The Garrard County Public Library establishes the following policy to protect its collections and other property against theft and mutilation.

  1. No library materials may be taken from the library unless those materials have been properly checked out or other authorization for removal has been given. Taking materials without authorization will be considered and treated as theft.
  2. For the purposes of this policy, materials are defined as any book, plate, picture, photograph, engraving, painting, drawing, map, newspaper, magazine, pamphlet, manuscript, document, letter, public record, microfilm, sound recording, audiovisual materials in any format, electronic data processing records, computer hardware and software, artifacts or other documentary, written or printed materials regardless of physical form or characteristics, belonging to, on loan to, or in the custody of the library. This definition includes all institutional property housed in or intended for use in the library.

However, if a patron is attempting to leave the library with materials which have not been properly checked out, it cannot be assumed that theft was the intent. If a patron is attempting to exit the library with materials under his or her clothing or covertly wrapped in something, concealment can be used to prove intent to steal. If it is determined that a patron is stealing materials from the library, staff members will tell the suspect that unless the item is returned, the Lancaster police will be notified. No attempt should be made to physically detain the individual. If the person leaves before the authorities arrive, staff will give the police the name if known and a description of the individual. Staff involved should write down a complete description of the incident and leave it for the director. In the event that theft is proven, all library privileges will be revoked for the individual until restitution is made in addition to pursuing the matter with the local police. The library cannot be held responsible for personal items of patrons while in the library. Patrons are encouraged to keep all personal items with them at all times.

Adopted June 16, 2009. Reviewed March 2013. Revised September 2014.

Confidentiality of Patron Records

As recommended by the American Library Association, the library recognizes that circulation records and other records identifying the name of library users are confidential in nature. As such, upon receipt of such process, order, or subpoena, the library's officers will consult with their legal council to determine if such process, order, or subpoena is in proper form and if there is a showing of good cause for its issuance: if the process, order, or subpoena is not in proper form or if good cause has not been shown, they will insist that such defects be cured.

Patron records shall not be made available to any agency of state, federal, or local government except pursuant to such process order of subpoena as may be authorized under the authority of, and pursuant to, federal, state or local law relating to civil, criminal, or administrative discovery procedures or legislative investigative power. See also ALA Code of Ethics - WE PROTECT EACH LIBRARY USER'S RIGHT TO PRIVACY AND CONFIDENTIALITY WITH RESPECT TO INFORMATION SOUGHT OR RECEIVED AND MATERIALS CONSULTED, BORROWED, ACQUIRED OR TRANSMITTED.

Information Security Policy

In accordance with KRS 61.931-934, Garrard County Public Library will take every reasonable precaution to ensure that any personal information that is kept by the Library for any purpose is safeguarded from unauthorized access.

Garrard County Public Library will comply with best practices established by the Department for Local Government (as required in KRS 61.932). See Security and Incident Investigation Procedures and Practices for Local Governmental Units for these best practices.

Per the Department of Local Government's guidance, a "Point of Contact" is designated by Garrard County Public Library to

  1. Maintain the library's adopted Information Security Policy and be familiar with its requirements;
  2. Ensure the library's employees and others with access to personal information are aware of and understand the Information Security Policy;
  3. Serve as contact for inquiries from other agencies regarding its Information Security Policy and any incidents;
  4. Be responsible for ensuring compliance with the Information Security Policy; and
  5. Be responsible for responding to any incidents.

The Director is Garrard County Public Library's Point of Contact for the purpose of adherence to Department for Local Government guidance.

Patron Inforamtion

Garrard County Public Library acts to limit the amount of personally identifiable information that it retains. Some information, however, is necessarily and understandably retained for the transaction of day-to-day business.

Most information related to patrons is kept for the purposes of circulating materials and ensuring that responsibility is attributed to the correct person when an item is borrowed. This information is not publicly available and, beyond interactions between the library and the patron, will be shared only with third-party vendors with whom the library has contracted services necessary for conducting business and law enforcement personnel upon valid, legal request. Information related to delinquent patrons may be shared with a third party vendor for the purposes of collection. The library will not share personally identifiable patron information for any other purpose.

When a patron record has been inactive for 5 years and carries no outstanding debt (financial or in borrowed materials), the record is deleted from the Library's computer system and is not archived.

Personal information about patrons is generally only retained in electronic format with appropriate back-up devices in place for recovery in the event of a database failure. All back-up devices are kept secured at all times in areas that are not accessible to the general public and with limited accessibility by staff.

Staff Information

Garrard County Public Library retains information about its staff that is directly related to the work environment. Social security numbers, health information, and performance records are retained only as a part of standard human resources processes (such as payroll, retirement, or health insurance). This information is subject to records retention policies of the Commonwealth of Kentucky and Garrard County Public Library. Records will be retained and destroyed according to the records retention schedule.

Personal information about staff members is, in some cases, subject to the Open Records Act and will be shared with anyone properly requesting that information as specified by Kentucky Revised Statute. Information protected from disclosure under the Open Records Act will not be shared with any outside agency for any purpose other than for the reason it was collected (i.e. to a payroll vendor for tax purposes).

Personal information about staff will be kept secured at all times in areas that are not accessible to the general public and with limited accessibility by staff.

Security Measures

The library does not share any information with any outside agency for any reason other than the purposes for which it was collected. Third party vendors with whom the library does business are required by KRS 61.932 to provide their own security measures to protect any personal information. Where possible, the library has informed each entity in writing that appropriate security and breach notification is required.

The library provides an internal, closed network for the collection and use of most patron data. The network is not accessible to the general public and access to it is limited to third party vendors with whom the library has contracted services.

Where the library's systems do have interaction with any outside vendor or patron (i.e. through the internet-based catalog), transactions will take place using secure transmission protocols. Such interactions will be limited to the purpose of the transaction only and will not allow access to any more information than is required for the purpose of the transaction (i.e. a patron reviewing a list of items that are currently checked out to him/her).

Personal information stored on computers or back-up devices is not accessible to the general public and is protected by a computer firewall and anti-virus systems.

Security Breaches and Notifications

If Garrard County Public Library becomes aware of a breach that would allow outside access to its network or access to devices used to store personal information, action will immediately be taken to remove the device from the network or to close the network to all external traffic.

Garrard County Public Library will notify vendors of their responsibilities to inform the library of any breach in their own systems which would expose or compromise the security of personal information provided by the library. Notification of such must conform to the requirements of KRS 61.932 and will include any reports of investigations that are conducted into the breach. Contracts that are made or amended with the library after January 1, 2015 must contain provisions to account for the requirements under KRS 61.932.

In the event Garrard County Public Library's own computer network or data storage systems are breached, the library will immediately take action to secure the network or system, to prohibit any off-site access, and to determine the extent of the data that was obtained by the unauthorized party. Where appropriate, the library will notify any/all affected parties within the guidelines of KRS 61.933 or as directed in guidance from the Department for Local Government. Investigations which follow such a breach will be reported as required by the same statute.

Make a Donation

The Garrard County Public Library accepts gifts of new or gently-used books, magazines, DVDs, and music or books on CD. Decisions on whether and how donated items will be added to the Library's collections are based on the same evaluative criteria that are applied to purchased materials.

The Library accepts the following materials in good condition:

  • Adult and children's non-fiction books published within the last 5 years
  • Unabridged audiobooks on CD
  • Current adult fiction books
  • Current paperback books
  • New and classic children's fiction books
  • Music CDs
  • DVDs

Items that are not added to the collections become part of the Library's ongoing book sale, which generate monies for library programs and services.

There are some items that we simply can't use. These include:

  • Weekly news magazines and newspapers
  • Reader's Digest Condensed Books
  • National Geographic magazines
  • VHS videos
  • Cassette tapes
  • Encyclopedias and textbooks

All donations can be dropped off at the Garrard County Public Library during open hours. Please call ahead to make arrangements for large donations.

The Library does not assign a value to donated items, but can provide a receipt indicating that we have received the materials.

Open Records Policy

Open Records Request Form

Open Records Requests and Records Retention

The Garrard County Public Library is subject to the Kentucky Open Records Act (KRS 61.870-61.884) and certain requirements with regard to records retention.

Retained records

The Garrard County Public Library will maintain and retain its records in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. Unless otherwise provided by law, records may be retained or discarded according to the Records Retention Schedules as adopted by the State Archives and Records Commission.

Public records

Not all records of the Garrard County Public Library will necessarily be "public records" under the Open Records Act, and even some public records are exempt from operation of the Act. "Public record" generally means all books, papers, maps, photographs, cards, tapes, discs, diskettes, records, or other documentary materials prepared, owned, used, in the possession of, or retained by the Library. It does not include any records owned by a private person or corporation that are in the possession of the Library or one of its employees.

Requests for records

The Garrard County Public Library Director (or designee) acts as Custodian for all of the Library's public records. Any person may request to inspect or receive copies of the Library's non-exempt public records. All requests to view or copy the Library's public records pursuant to the Kentucky Open Records Act must be made in writing and must contain the requester's name and signature. Requesters may use the Request to Inspect Public Records form, but are not required to do so. All Open Records Requests must be submitted via U.S. Mail, facsimile transmission, e-mail or hand delivery. Open Records Requests should be directed to the attention of the Library's Records Custodian. If a requester is requesting to be provided with copies of non-exempt public records, they must provide a sufficiently precise description of the documents they are seeking so as to allow the Records Custodian to readily identify them. Open Records requests may be sent to Laura McWilliams at 101 Lexington Street, Lancaster, KY, 40444 or at director+garrardlibrary+org.


The Garrard County Public Library has three business days in which to respond to an Open Records Request. This time begins to run the next business day after the request is received.

The response to an Open Record Request may: (1) grant the request, (2) deny the request, (3) explain that there will be a delay in responding to the request; or any combination thereof. To the extent a request is granted, the response will provide a timeframe when the requested non-exempt public documents may be inspected in person, or will inform the requester of the applicable copying charge and postage fee required to be paid before copies of the non-exempt public documents may be provided. To the extent a request is denied, the response will provide the legal cause for the denial. To the extent the full response to a request is delayed, the initial response will give a detailed explanation of the cause for any delay and an estimate of when a complete response may be expected.


To the extent a request is granted, copies of the responsive non-exempt public records requested may be provided at a cost of $0.10 per page, along with any applicable postage costs, all of which must be pre-paid by the requester. Requests for specialized or non-standard copies (e.g. color or oversized copies) will be provided at the cost incurred by the Library to produce them. The Garrard County Public Library may also recover costs associated with staff time expended in responding to a request made for a commercial purpose. Non-public or exempt information may be redacted as appropriate from copies of otherwise non-exempt public records provided.

On site examination of records

To the extent a request is granted, individuals requesting to review records will be allowed to schedule a time to conduct on-site inspection of non-exempt public records during the regular hours of the Garrard County Public Library. An on-site inspection may be required by the Library if the request is not precise in nature or if the requester resides or maintains his or her principle place of business within Garrard County. Public records must be inspected in the location set by the Library. During their inspection, a requester may copy non-exempt public records (at their own cost), but may not remove, alter or add to documents provided for review. The Library is responsible for protecting the security of public records in its custody, and may require that a staff member be present during any inspection or copying of its public records.

Denial of request

Certain public records are exempt from inspection under the Open Records Act. Circulation and Library use records for individual patrons are exempt from inspection, and requests to inspect or receive copies of these records will be denied, as will a request to inspect or receive copies of any other records which either are not public or which are exempt under the Act. Under certain circumstances, the Library may find that a request would create an unreasonable burden to comply with, and may deny such a request for that reason. Requests that the Library believes are intended to disrupt its essential functions will also be denied. Reasons that a request may be deemed unduly burdensome for compliance, or which may be disruptive to the Library may include time and expense involved in retrieving and duplicating the records, or in the type and nature of the request. To the extent a request is denied, the Library will provide the legal basis for the denial to the requester.

Additional Information

Your Duty Under the Law, published by the Office of the Attorney General, and other information regarding Open Records Requests may be found online at: http://ag.ky.gov/civil/orom/.

The Garrard County Public Library’s social media sites provide a limited designated public forum intended for moderated discussion. Comments, posts, and messages are welcome on our sites.

The role and utility of social media sites will be evaluated periodically by library staff and may be terminated at any time with or without notice to subscribers.

The library’s Social Media Policy applies only to library-sponsored sites created and maintained by the library. While the library recognizes and respects differences in opinions, all comments, posts, and messages will be monitored and reviewed by the director or other designated employee(s).

The library will use social media to:

  • Announce programs
  • Post news such as special events, holiday hours, exhibits, new item arrivals, etc.
  • Promote library resources and announce new services
  • Serve as a public relations/marketing tool

The types of content that will not be permitted include but are not limited to:

  • Obscene or racist content
  • Personal attacks, insults, or threatening language
  • Potentially libelous or slanderous statements
  • Private, personal information published without consent
  • Comments totally unrelated to the content of the forum
  • Hyperlinks to material that is not directly related to the discussion
  • Commercial promotions or spam
  • Postings/comments in violation of the copyright, trademark right, or other intellectual property right of any third party

The library reserves the right to edit or remove any postings or comments made to library-sponsored sites. The library does not endorse or review content outside the "pages" created by library staff. Users should be aware that third party websites have their own privacy policies and should proceed accordingly.

Public participation on the library’s social media pages implies agreement with library policy.



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